No common language, past comforts or future dreams. Home | Yuva follows an unlikely quartet – a Turkish refugee, autistic artist, club star, and Taxi driver—in search of common bonds. Void of shared language, their bodies begin to speak. Drawing from the current refugee crisis in the Middle East and the increasingly fractured American dream, Home/Yuva is an international collaboration between Turkish and American artist. This play premiered at the 21st Istanbul Theatre Festival for 2017. The text was developed at the Global Exchange Program of LaGuardia Performing Arts Center (LPAC) The rehearsals of this production were carried out hosted by SALT Galata. Written & Directed by Sami Berat Marçalı Producer : Yagmur Dolkun Mentor : Handan Özbilgin Bromley Stage & Costume Design : Marta Montevecchi Light Design : Alev Topal Sound Design: Fatih Rağbet Choreography: Gizem Erdem Photograph : Deniz Sabuncu Illustration: Dilan Sarıoğlu Stage Management : Dilek Tora Teaser: Selcen Ergun Assistants : İlayda Öncü, Deniz İnanç, Orçun Oran Performers :Bora Akkaş, Erol Ozan Ayhan, Özlem Zeynep Dinsel, Saim Karakale
Afife Lead Actress - Özlem Zeynep Dinsel
Afife Playwright - Sami Berat Marçalı